Past Speakers

How to Improve Stress from the Inside Out: Learning Nervous System Regulation Tools to Shift from Stress to Balance
Speaker: Dr. Eva Katherine Coder, licensed professional counselor, transpersonal psychologist, trauma therapist, and teacher
This workshop reviews the basics of Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory to show how the nervous system works and what demeanor is seen in various stages of stress. Each participant will end the workshop better able to navigate their personal nervous system and understand students' states of regulation and dysregulation better, which facilitates greater ease of communication and collaboration.
Calling in, Not Calling Out: Inclusive Conversations in a Divisive Age
Speaker: Loretta Ross, Visiting Associate Professor at Smith College
Fighting against oppression and injustice are the dues we pay for the privilege of being conscious. Toward these goals, we can begin to build a unified and strategic human rights movement that weaves our strengths together, using our differences as a platform to model a positive future built on justice and the politics of love.
To create a movement dedicated to social justice, we re-commit to recognizing and supporting each other rather than engaging in fear or prejudice-calling people in rather than calling them out. In this virtual talk, Professor Ross discusses how we can transform the Calling Out Culture into a Calling In Culture to build a united movement for human rights.
The Science and Practice of Presence: Can It Transform Teaching and Learning?
Speaker: Diana Winston, Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA Semel Institute’s Mindful Awareness Research Center
How can contemplative practices be used to promote student and faculty success? This interactive keynote explores didactic and experiential approaches to contemplative practices. You will learn the cutting-edge scientific research behind these practices, especially how they impact stress, attention, learning, memory, emotional regulation, and presence in the classroom. You will also practice tools for self-management and personal well-being, and explore how these tools can impact individuals, classrooms, and the culture at FIU.