Example 2 (English)

Panther 180 Reporting & Written Narrative Example (English)

Activity(ies) to collect evidence from Students:

§  Asked students in my Writing & Rhetoric I class to write pre and post reflections regarding their ease and comfort with writing at the beginning and ending of the semester and found that 65% of students said they felt considerably more confident in their writing skills and 85% of those consistently turned in extra credit writing assignments

§  Examined a total of three sections worth of SPOTs results for my Literature II course and noticed a pattern of students commenting on the lack of relevance of the content, so I intend on using this feedback to guide my course redesign this summer

Activity(ies) to collect evidence from Peers:

§  Asked a departmental colleague to read the syllabus for my Writing & Rhetoric I course from the perspective of a student and provide feedback regarding their impression of the course and the workload detailed

o   Their feedback prompted me to include additional information about the required assignments as well as how the total grade is computed for the course

Activity(ies) to collect evidence from Self:

§  Reviewed my personal teaching philosophy statement and revised it based on my experience teaching at FIU the past three years as well as the data I collected from my students this year  

o   Highlighted the strengths of my instructional approach as noted by my own students and more fully developed my goals as an educator