Evaluating Teaching Resources
Here you will find resources developed specifically to support faculty in their efforts to collect evidence for the evaluation of their teaching.
Teaching with AI
As an institution that embraces cutting-edge research and innovative teaching, FIU is actively integrating Artificial Intelligence and assistive technologies into every aspect of our operations including teaching and learning. FIU Faculty can decide the degree to which they want to engage with AI as a teaching and learning tool. Explore how AI can supercharge your teaching—from creating AI-infused activities and assignments to helping students understand the ethical considerations surrounding AI. Dive into foundational concepts, discover practical tools, and learn how to teach with and about AI. You can also register for our Teaching with AI workshops.
Textbook and Instructional Materials Affordability and Transparency
There are many ways for instructors to reduce the cost of course materials, including adopting open educational resources (OER), working directly with the publisher, and finding already available resources through Library eConnect. In addition, you will find guidance on Florida specific requirements pertaining to submitting your adoptions and making course material attestations.
Developing and Teaching a Course
Whether developing a new course, teaching a preexisting course or updating a course you’ve taught for years here you’ll find resources curated specifically to help you take a structured, thoughtful, and evidenced based approach to course design.
How Learning Works
What is learning?
Learning is a process, not a product; but because this process takes place in the mind, we can only infer that it has occurred from students’ products or performances.
Adjunct Teaching Experience
Adjunct faculty are integral members of our FIU teaching community. Every semester more than 500 adjuncts teach at FIU, and it is CAT’s goal to provide faculty development and community building opportunities for adjunct faculty through workshops, reading groups, consultations, and online resources.

Civil Discourse in Our Classroom: Sample Syllabus Language
Some examples of language that you may include in your syllabi to let students know that they are likely to hear perspectives that differ from their own.
Teaching Research & Resources Repository
Here you will find our collection of teaching and learning resources, which include books, articles, sites, and much more. We have categorized all of the entries in this repository as being evidence-based, learner-centered, or inclusive to align with FIU’s vision of teaching excellence.
CAT's edTech Repository for Faculty
Because of the growing need in higher education for educational technology tools that will engage students and enhance the classroom learning experience, CAT has put together this collection of suggested programs, apps, and tools for FIU faculty. We encourage everyone to use these resources as a way to explore new ideas when combining the best pedagogical practices with the latest in educational technology.